Herbs for Beauty
Herbs for Beauty
There are many herbs which can be used for beauty as single or as combination of many herbs . Herbs washes the internal impurities and external toxins of our body also provide additional nutrients to our body. Make it glow and shine. Herbs provide nourishment from within, leading to internal development. Most popular herbs used as cosmetic or beauty care are :-
Turmeric is mainly used for:
*glowing, bright skin. Turmeric face masks are extensively available in beauty parlors for their skin-friendly treatment that prevents bacterial infection.
Turmeric pastes *cure pigmentation, * maintain the pH factor and are constantly applied on the neck, face and over-all body to enhance the complexion and brightness of skin.
Turmeric pastes *cure pigmentation, * maintain the pH factor and are constantly applied on the neck, face and over-all body to enhance the complexion and brightness of skin.
Internally as podwer, chandan pills and as Chandanasava which are orally taken.
Externally chandan is applied as oil, stick, powder and paste derived from the herb. Essence of chandan has made it a favorite of the cosmetic world. It effectively work against skin ailments and allergies. Chandan herbal face pack and scrubs made from chandan powder cleanses our skin thoroughly and brings a healthy glow to it.
Chandan is a principal cooling agent and comes to utmost use during the hot days.
* a skin cleanser, * odor remover,
*against acne, * psoriasis and eczema
* common hair problems like dandruff.
Neem powder, oil and pills are the most common forms of neem .
The bitter neem leaves are used to counter high sugar levels.
*against acne, * psoriasis and eczema
* common hair problems like dandruff.
Neem powder, oil and pills are the most common forms of neem .
The bitter neem leaves are used to counter high sugar levels.
*skin, *scalp and *hair treatment.
This herb provides a refreshing look to our skin by revitalizing and energizing our dead cells. Rosemary oil used in scalp massage to prevent premature hair loss. The shampoos, lotions and other hair care products of Rosemary takes adequate care of our hair nourishment. Other extracts of this herb include perfumes and soaps.
Basically, Chamomile is used in skin remedies, eye treatment and hair care. Face masks, oil, body lotions, creams and stem of Chamomile are used in skin care. Chamomile oil is used to remove acne and other similar skin diseases. This herb is snit-oxidant as well as anti-inflammatory. As a measure against hair malnourishment Chamomile hair care products are frequently preferred above the rest. When a mild concentration of water and chamomile is applied to the eye the tired look quickly vanishes and eyes begin to glow and shine.
Effective against scars and black spots on the body. Basil is greatly helpful for its antiseptic action on the face. Whenever our skin suffers from the lack of healthy nutrients dark spots arise in certain parts of our body. In such a situation a concoction prepared by mixing basil, turmeric powder and rose water comes in good use. It adds to the effect of curing the black marks and making our skin natural and healthy.
Aloe Vera is used comprehensively in skin care. It heals skin irritations and scars. The primal effect of this herb comes from its sharp soothing properties. A face mask of this plant is prepared by mixing kelp, honey and Aloe Vera for effective skin treatment. It is used in various forms like shampoos, sunscreens, soaps, gels etc and has been approved by FDA as a non-poisonous herb to treat skin burns .This herb is also used in hair loss.
Though predominantly used in hair nourishment henna is also applied on the skin in various forms. For hair care henna paste (mehendi) is made from the powdery extract of henna plant. It is then mixed with egg white and thoroughly applied for thick, shiny hair. In combination with coffee powder, amla powder and onion peels henna makes a perfect hair conditioner. Henna is also used to color the body, primarily hands and feet and for making temporary tattoos on the skin.
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